Alternate Ways to Secure PR Coverage in a Busy Election Season

Have you ever been to a concert and had something you really wanted to say to someone but couldn’t get it out because it was so. dang. loud? Welcome to the 2024 election cycle, where it’s basically the same experience.

Forget the old-school methods of trying to stand out amongst the political coverage that blend into the background like wallpaper. Get ready to ditch the press releases and mainstream media pitches.

We’re about to dive into the world of creative PR moves that will cut through the electoral chaos and put your brand in the limelight where it belongs. Whether you’re looking to break through the noise with a dazzling stunt, a cheeky influencer collab or a niche media blitz, we’ve got the playbook for how to secure PR coverage during the busy season.

So Last Election Year

Mainstream media is so last election. Just kidding…kinda. We love our mainstream media friends, but it’s the busiest time of year for these journalists and the last thing we want to do is overwhelm them. It’s time to embrace the quirky, offbeat world of niche media. Niche media may not have as big of appeal as mainstream media, but they have something different: loyal, engaged audiences who are die hard consumers of whatever topic is on the table.

Some niche media outlet examples include:

So our first rec? Reach out to those cool, eccentric blogs and trade outlets that thrive on interesting, tailored content. They’re like the hipster coffee shops of the media world—small but mighty.

The Cool Kids

Let’s face it: the world doesn’t need another sponsored post from a mega-celebrity holding a product like it’s their long-lost love. Instead, get cozy with the real stars of the digital realm—those influencers and micro-influencers who are the real deal. They’re the ones who engage with their followers. Think of them as the cool kids in the lunchroom who everyone wants to sit with, not the celebrities on the magazine cover in line at the grocery store.

Imagine this: you’re not just collaborating with any influencer—you’re teaming up with the local fitness guru who makes sweating it out look like a dance party. Or the foodie friend on a mission to try every single burger in the city. So why not hitch a ride on their fame train and get your brand in front of an audience that cares?
Pro tip: authenticity is your secret weapon. Find influencers who genuinely resonate with your brand’s vibe. If they’re excited about what you’re offering, it’ll come through in their posts and their followers will feel that enthusiasm. You’re not just paying for a post; you’re investing in a partnership…So find those who get your groove and get ready to see your brand buzz with fresh, enthusiastic energy!

Ditch the Press Release

Why play it safe with a press release when you could be planning a spectacle that has everyone talking? In the election season frenzy, it’s not just about blending in—it’s about standing out! Forget subtlety; it’s time to turn your brand’s presence into an unforgettable event that makes people say, “Whoa, did you see that?!”

While everyone else is busy drafting announcements, you’re out there organizing a cross-country food truck tour while in the midst of a national franchise expansion. Think ice cream truck-style jingles and extremely happy customers! Create experiences that literally put your brand into the hands of the people. These activations aren’t just stunts; they’re immersive. Healthy soda brand, Poppi, recently popped up for New York Fashion Week to promote a new flavor and allow consumers to immerse themselves in Poppi World.

But remember, it’s not just about the glitz and glam—your activation needs to resonate with your potential customers and be in sync with your brand’s personality. If your brand is all about fun and excitement, make sure your stunt reflects that. If you’re all about innovation, then let your activation push boundaries and showcase your cutting-edge spirit. The idea is to create moments so memorable that even amidst the election chaos, media outlets can’t resist covering your stunt.

Make a Splash

In the PR game, the only thing that matters is being so memorable that your brand doesn’t just make a splash—it makes waves. Go all-in on creativity and boldness. This isn’t the time for timid ideas or half-baked strategies.

Dive headfirst into niche media, where the audience might be smaller but the engagement is fierce and loyal. Partner with influencers who are as enthusiastic about your brand as they are about their favorite popstar.

It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being unforgettable.

Ready to cut through election noise and make your brand the talk of the town? At The James Agency, we’re experts at turning up the volume on your PR game and making sure you stand out in the spotlight. Drop us a line and let’s rock this election season!

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