Social Media

Digital Network Masters

Engage your audience.

The internet is a scary place. It teases both clout and catastrophe—and yet, your brand’s success can hinge on organic social media. TJA can construct an effective organic social and paid media strategy that gratifies your loyal fans while captivating new ones. Together, we can identify and target your audience, distill your brand into attractive photography and video, craft an intelligent content calendar, and analyze monthly reporting to upgrade your presence in a digitally social world.

Industry trends, competitive research, target audience behaviors, time of day and posting frequency
Tell your brand’s story with essential creative elements and defining social media standards
Posts, comments, shares, direct messages—we’ll engage with your community on your behalf with expertise
Tactical, carefully-planned calendars to support your marketing goals
Easy access to social photography guidelines, tips/tricks and mood boards
Content strategy, keyword strategy, monitoring, speed improvements

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