Does your business need personas? (Spoiler: yes.)

"""Looking to get ahead of the competition in your PR strategy? Learn how to use bylined articles from The James Agency to boost your business visibility and recognition."""

Are personas worth the investment? Yeah, they are. And we’re not just saying that because we make them. Data-driven personas are the perfect antidote to assumption-based marketing. Investing in research will help you aim your dollars at the right people, and that will save you big bucks in the long run. If you’re just starting […]

Writing for SEO strategy: When an algorithm is your audience

Writing for SEO strategy: When an algorithm is your audience

The way you write is more important than you think What are you trying to accomplish when you set out to write a blog post, a homepage or any other piece of content for your website? Attract more visitors, get more customers, provide insight on your subject matter, sure. But your writing is also engaging […]

How to use these 5 tips to write kickass social media ads

"Need better social media ads? Follow these five tips from the James Agency to write engaging and effective ads that will captivate your audience."

Your company has a social media strategy in place and the responsibility to write the ads that convert passive viewers into active consumers falls on you. You’ve seen hundreds—thousands—of social ads come across your personal feeds. That’s gotta be enough exposure to make you a quasi-expert. You’ll knock these out of the park, you think. […]

How to Write Conversion-driven Copy

"Writing great copy isn't enough to boost conversions. Our comprehensive guide from the James Agency will teach you how to create high-converting copy for your content marketing campaigns. "

We’ve all read descriptive text that draws you in, evokes a visceral response or taps into memories built through sensory experiences. It could be a line that describes a salad—how crisp and fresh the lettuce is; the way the greens mingle to be both sweet and a little bitter; the perfectly seared tuna on top, […]

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