Recharge & Why It Matters

Closed For Vacation

A little time off goes a long way. At The James Agency, we believe in the power of a good recharge. Whether it’s unplugging from the daily grind, adventuring to new places or simply soaking up quality moments with family and friends, our weeklong recess over 4th of July is essential. It enhances employee mental health at work, while boosting creativity, productivity and overall well-being.

“Recharge was an intentional practice we set in place nearly 10 years ago to allow our team members to reset and refocus before going into the busy season of the industry. Our leadership team feels passionate that our members deserve this time as our practice can be extremely demanding. It is our hope that the team uses this week to be intentional with family, friends or doing something that fills their cup. We have found there is strong performance ROI after recharge.” —Veronique James, CEO & Founder

With our office closed for vacation, our team embraced the opportunity to travel near and far—from Denmark to Japan to Wisconsin, California, Mexico and even right here in Arizona. This company-wide vacation allowed us an uninterrupted chance to reset both mentally and physically while discovering new sources of inspiration.

Company-Wide Vacation Meets Limitless Adventure

Time off is more than taking a break—it’s a crucial component of maintaining employee well-being and productivity. According to science, regular vacations can significantly reduce stress, improve overall health and boost job satisfaction. Stress is at the heart of many chronic health issues, making breaks not just encouraged, but essential. Who are we to deny science?

Our team seized this well-deserved break with gusto, diving into a range of adventurous activities and quality family time. Whether hiking Mount Fuji, exploring Tokyo, or enjoying beachside gatherings, these experiences played a key role in personal rejuvenation.

Sarahi, our Media Buyer, shared her Danish adventure:

“My boyfriend, who grew up in Copenhagen, hadn’t been back in eight years. I’d never traveled outside the country, so it was amazing to experience his favorite childhood spots and get to know Danish culture (and eat my weight pastries!). We were huge tourists—drinking natural wine, watching the Tour de France, visiting Tivoli, and we even got to watch the changing of the royal guard!”

For Alysha, our Senior Account Manager and Head of Strategy, hiking Mount Fuji was a powerful experience:

“This was my third recharge. Climbing Mount Fuji was one of the most gratifying feelings to be on the train later that week and see the mountain in the distance and think ‘I climbed that.’ There was such a tangible sense of accomplishment. I realized how capable we are in our work—more than we often give ourselves credit for.”

Unplugging to Reconnect

One of the greatest benefits of a company-wide week off is the ability to fully disconnect. With everyone away simultaneously, there’s no worry about falling behind. This collective break helps team members focus entirely on their personal time, free from the usual daily distractions—it’s truly a must for maintaining mental health at work and ensuring a positive office return.

Tori, our Production Designer, found that staying local still offered a perfect escape:

“Even though I stayed in Arizona, the break allowed me to disengage from work completely and focus on time with my fiancé. I enjoyed time by the pool, celebrated birthdays, and took a day trip to Williams, where we rode the mountain coaster! It was a perfect opportunity to recharge.”

Alyse, our Senior Account Manager, valued the chance to escape the blistering temps with visiting family in Wisconsin:

“The full week allowed us to escape the AZ heat and spend quality time with mine and my husband’s family. I’ve got a nine month old baby so we appreciated the extra hands of grandparents and downtime during naps. We celebrated a 30th birthday, went to the zoo, saw old friends and had a big family BBQ on the 4th—the entire agency’s closure made it easier to unplug and enjoy every moment. ”

Creative Inspiration, Renewed Motivation

A well-deserved break often leads to a burst of creativity. An office closed for vacation opens doors to new experiences, the chance to embrace different cultures, and a change of scenery, sparking fresh ideas and renewed motivation.

Frankie, our Senior Account Manager, felt inspired in Oceanside, California:

“Staying in a beach house with all of my siblings, nieces and nephews made for the most magical time. The ocean fosters all my creativity. Going to the art festival and seeing the different forms of how people cultivate their creativity really inspired me to work on my art. I wrote three poems over break!”

Lauren, our Client Services Coordinator, found inspiration in Mexico City:

“I spent a lot of time alone on this trip, which allowed me to reflect on my year so far and what I still hope to accomplish. There were so many moments that inspired me between all of the artisan booths, the city’s architecture and parks. I was inspired mostly by the intricate details of Bosque de Chapultepec, from the massive stained glass windows to the detailed crown molding.”

Returning Refreshed

The benefits of a company-wide vacation can not be overstated. Whether jetting off to exotic locales or enjoying a staycation, it’s the intention behind the break that truly matters. How we spend our time off—and sometimes, even doing nothing at all—shapes our ability to recharge and tackle the rest of the year with a clearer mind and revitalized spirit.

Account Manager Tatum, who enjoyed her annual trip to San Diego, shared:

“My sister lives in San Diego, and we always get together for the 4th of July week to spend some quality family time. We went on morning walks to the beach, tried new restaurants and coffee shops, jet skied, and spent a lot of time with friends. I took my parents to a dive bar! It was great to have some forced relaxation and truly unplug. I came back fully refreshed and ready to go.”

This time away is reflected in the motivated mindset our team’s brought back to their roles. By allowing our brains the break they so desire, our mental health at work thrives. With our cups filled and minds at ease, we’re back with a fire in our eyes, eager to take on the busy summer season. Finding time for ourselves can be challenging, but our company-wide vacation is a treasured tradition to reconnect and explore, proving that sometimes the answer to “should I take that time off?” is always a resounding yes.

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