Signs Your Business is Ready for a New Agency

Whether business is booming or you could use more customers, marketing is an essential piece of the puzzle when it comes to taking your biz to the next level.

But what happens when your current agency just isn’t delivering on their promises? What happened to the whiz-bang they presented in the discovery process? If your brand is feeling less like whiz-bang and more like a whimper, it’s time to reassess your current partner.

From storied brands or new-to-market concepts, everyone needs to tell their story to their customer as effectively as possible, using visuals messaging that resonate. That’s where we come in — as an extension of your internal team with fresh outside perspective.

Tired of the agency status quo? Here are some of the most obvious signs your business is ready for a new marketing agency to step in and level up your brand.

Your Sales Are Down

This might be the most obvious sign that your current marketing isn’t working, and it can be a hard pill to swallow. Something about what your agency is doing just isn’t hitting with the audience you need to reach. You’ve invested time, effort and hard-earned money into your agency, but they’re just not delivering results.

It happens to even the most powerful brands at some point. (Coca Cola and McDonald’s still rebrand occasionally, right?!) Sometimes it takes a fresh set of eyes on your business to understand what’s really going wrong, and a new agency can be the best way to do that.

Creativity is deeply personal, and your current agency’s pride in their work might get in the way of your results.

If that’s currently the case for your brand, it’s time for you to get lost. With us! At TJA, we get lost with our client to discover what’s working, what’s not, and determine how to evolve.

At TJA, the next era of our agency model is Stratagem. In short, Stratagem empowers us to lead clients with coaching, consulting, training and strategy using data and insights unique to your business. The result is impactful creative, web, public relations, paid media and organic social media campaigns that actually move the needle for your most important KPIs.

You Need Data and Insights

Speaking of KPIs, you got any of those bad boys? Whether your goal is to increase sales by $1 million in the next year or simply increase awareness of your brand, it’s important to understand the roadmap of how to get there. And you can’t do that without a strong marketing strategy driving those KPIs. At TJA, we can drive you there.

Get in. We’re going consulting.

With decades of marketing and business knowledge behind us, TJA is beyond well-versed in answering the biggest marketing question: What does your business offer and what do consumers need? No two businesses are exactly alike, so we find immense passion in optimizing your operations with exhaustive exploration and thoughtful exercises.

The result? An easy-to-understand map to your KPI dreams. In our strategies, we detail the targets, tactics and numbers driven by data and insights that will impact your bottom line — now and in the future.

If your current agency isn’t taking you along in the consulting process, say hello to TJA.

Your Agency Isn’t Reporting Results

What good is having a marketing agency if you don’t actually know what they’re delivering? A lot of agencies talk a big game about results, but how do they present those results to you?

Not to brag, but communication is kind of our thing.

At TJA, you’ll never be in the dark about where your account’s most important projects stand and what results came from them. In our status reports, you can track the progress of your projects. During your monthly status call with our team, subject matter experts walk you through the results of your campaigns, providing for an opportunity for you to ask your most important questions.

Go ahead, poke holes during these conversations! We think you’ll find we’re less like Swiss cheese and more like a nice, sturdy sharp (witted) cheddar. We’re that confident in our work and reporting processes.

Your Agency is Recycling Old Ideas

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Why reinvent the wheel?” – Signed, Your Current Agency.
If this slogan — or even just this vibe — feels familiar, it’s time to look outside your current

agency partner to get some new eyes on your brand.

With a fresh perspective, a new agency can provide an outsider’s view on what’s going well, and frankly, what’s ugly, outdated and lacking functionality. A solid marketing agency can help with one of the most difficult aspects of marketing — zooming out.

A new marketing agency can be the “bad guy” when it comes to delivering news on the staleness of your brand — and the hero when a new perspective turns things around, driving sales, customer loyalty and admirability amongst competitors.

Leading with empathy and creating with ambition, TJA asks the tough questions. Custom approaches founded on data, consistent communication and rigorous collaboration alongside our clients result in longstanding relationships. Everything we create serves a strategic goal so your dollars are spent purposefully.

* * *

Does your agency have this kind of passion? Where can your marketing efforts improve? We’re here to provide proven solutions. Drop us a line to get the conversation started.

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