Recharge & Why It Matters

Closed For Vacation A little time off goes a long way. At The James Agency, we believe in the power of a good recharge. Whether it’s unplugging from the daily grind, adventuring to new places or simply soaking up quality moments with family and friends, our weeklong recess over 4th of July is essential. It […]

The Importance of Client Immersion for your Agency Partnership and Strategy

Tired of feeling like a broken record? We feel you. At The James Agency (TJA), we go beyond Zoom calls and back-and-forth emails, getting our hands dirty (metaphorically… mostly) with client immersion. We’re stepping into the “teacher” role, educating you on how hanging out with our clients (office tours, coffee runs, the whole shebang!) leads […]

4 Critical Metrics to Develop a Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

Customer data is your golden ticket when developing a data-driven marketing strategy. Without various data sources such as Google Analytics, email sign-ups, paid media results and more, it’s near impossible to analyze what’s working for your business…and what isn’t. Marketing is debatably both an art and a science. The jury is permanently out on that […]

Signs Your Business is Ready for a New Agency

Whether business is booming or you could use more customers, marketing is an essential piece of the puzzle when it comes to taking your biz to the next level. But what happens when your current agency just isn’t delivering on their promises? What happened to the whiz-bang they presented in the discovery process? If your […]

5 Effective Strategies to Create the Best Website for Small Business Owners

Creating an effective website for a small business doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right strategies, you can make a website that stands out from the competition and attracts more customers. Here are five tips for building the best website for small business owners. Choose the Right Platform. It’s important to select the right […]

The James Agency Serves Up Something Special: Tasteful Food Advertising Tips

At The James Agency, we specialize in making food advertising fun through creative advertising campaigns that engage and inspire audiences. With our team of experienced professionals and bright minds, we use an innovative approach to our food marketing recipes to make you stand out from the competition. With our help, your business can quickly reach […]

25 Things that happened last month that you should know about

25 Things that happened last month that you should know about

We know your social media feeds are constantly being flooded with the latest trends, newest products and, yes–endless celebrity gossip. So we put together a list of some cool, ridiculous and/or unfortunate stories in the creative and pop culture worlds you might have missed that we think you should know about. Trust us, you’ll want […]

4 reasons a better brand attracts top talent.

4 reasons a better brand attracts top talent.

How do you ensure that your company attracts the best talent? It all comes down to your business’s look, voice, values and character—your brand. Your brand is more than a logo, a few colors and a slogan that you print on shirts and caps. It’s a promise to consumers, a shared value set that all […]

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