It’s An Election Year…So Why Does That Matter For Your Marketing?
It’s that time again — campaign signs are popping up, debates are right around the corner and the national conversation is buzzing with political intensity. But wait… You’re a marketer, not a political strategist! While the upcoming election might not be your primary focus, here at The James Agency, we know it shouldn’t be ignored. […]
New Year, new trends, same email marketing tactics
Your email start up guide
Back to basics: How to get started with email marketing An intro on how to use email to your advantage. We have written a lot about the importance of using email to connect with your customers in “4 ways to jumpstart your email marketing” and “Our strategy to win over your customers,” but have you […]
4 ways to jumpstart your email marketing
Emails are magic. They are digital marketing’s secret weapon. They are the Holy Grail, Excalibur and Merlin’s beard all rolled into one. Except emails are real and you don’t need to be King Arthur to wield their power. According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing can bring up to a 4400% return on investment if it […]
Your brand’s digital presence is more important now than ever before
“I want to be where the people are” I think everybody can relate to The Little Mermaid these days; we all want to be where the people are. Thankfully, conversations surrounding COVID-19 are finally turning toward recovery. However, even as the world reopens, the effects of the quarantine will be lasting and businesses need to […]
Considerations for collaborations: How to make unique brands work together.
Marketing is a group activity. However, branding is often created and deployed in a silo. There are some external considerations of course—industry trends, competitor sets, etc.—but beyond that, brand development is not a decision that necessarily needs to be “coordinated” with anything outside of the company. Even nested organizations or those under the same ownership […]
Our Strategy to Win Over Your Customers
Email marketing is the most effective and profitable way to connect with your audience. There, we said it. WHY? According to Marketo, checking email is the #1 activity on the internet. Using a search engine is #2. People are constantly scanning their inboxes, looking for the most relevant items to read. Email has grown and […]