Recharge & Why It Matters

Closed For Vacation A little time off goes a long way. At The James Agency, we believe in the power of a good recharge. Whether it’s unplugging from the daily grind, adventuring to new places or simply soaking up quality moments with family and friends, our weeklong recess over 4th of July is essential. It […]

Client Love Languages

February is the month of love! It’s the time to sprinkle value and appreciation to your family, coworkers and yes, even your clients. A happy and healthy client-agency partnership is more than the business transaction. After all, providing a quality work product is table stakes. At The James Agency, we know that cultivating a personal […]

How TJA stays accountable while working from home.

"Becoming productive and staying accountable when working from home is a challenge. Learn how The James Agency (TJA) combats this issue with their detailed process!"

Navigating new territory as a small business. We’re all in these uncharted waters together. Thousands of employees with little to no telecommuting experience are suddenly working from home with 24 hours of family, significant other or alone time. While there’s no shortage of helpful articles on how to set up a routine to maintain a […]

How to use decision filters to prioritize your life.

decision filters

In good company. TJA has the good fortune to welcome inspirational individuals into our fold. They share their hard-won knowledge so we can benefit from their expertise. During our most recent quarterly huddle, the whole company came together to review our wins and strategize for the upcoming months. Speaker and entrepreneur extraordinaire, Russ Perry of […]

Five things my TJA internship taught me about being an agency pro

Five things my TJA internship taught me about being an agency pro

I’m going to take a wild guess and say that if you are reading this blog post, you aren’t planning on retiring any time soon. Chances are, you are a young professional looking to get a leg up on the competition by reading some quality insider content from those in the know. That’s where I […]

Technological Disadvantages: 9 Experiences My Children Will Never Have

Technological Disadvantages: 9 Experiences My Children Will Never Have

One night as my family was watching a Netfllix movie, the TV froze and my four-year-old said to his younger sister: “Cora don’t worry, it’s just buffering.” This coming from a kid who can’t tie his own shoes. Whether we like it or not, our children’s upbringing is, and will continue to be, very different […]

The Evolution of a “Millennial” From The Power of Leadership

The Evolution of a “Millennial” From The Power of Leadership

Here’s what’s been on my mind. In April, I will have been at TJA for two years. It feels like I walked in for the first time yesterday. Throughout the interactions, conversations, multiple failures and learning opportunities, there has been a recurring peeve of mine that I didn’t realize I had until it surfaced. Millennials. […]

Don’t Say No to PTO

As the sole proprietor of a growing agency and mom to a four year old and an almost-three-year-old, I’m always trying to achieve the magic work/life balance ratio. I also know that it is not always realistic to effectively achieve this balance, especially in our industry of tight deadlines, childcare unknowns and last minute fire […]

How the TJA Summer Recharge made me a better creative.

"Learn how the James Agency's TJA Summer Recharge helped me improve my creative projects and work smarter. Read on to find out what I gained from this unique program."

For those of you who don’t know, 2017 marked TJA’s first annual Summer Recharge: a week in July where our team can top off their batteries and come back with renewed stores of creative inspiration. As we approach the 2018 edition (happening July 3–July 6), we’d like to share why this practice was put in […]

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