How to treat your own organization like a client.

The shoemakerโ€™s children go barefoot.

This old idiom essentially means we neglect the things closest to us. As an agency, we know from experience that itโ€™s hard to prioritize internal projects when it is our duty to provide a service to others. Despite it being a challenge, investing in your own development is essential to stay relevant, informed and ahead of your competitors.

How to prioritize your own projects.

You are busy. Everyoneโ€™s 9 to 5 is fully-loaded and thereโ€™s a long queue of to-dos. Weโ€™ve been there; we empathize. While itโ€™s good for business to be busy, it makes it easy to sideline internal projects.

One way to navigate this is by committing time at the beginning of the year to focus on internal projects or employee education. By intentionally carving out a set amount of time that is non-negotiable, you can work time into your yearly plan for team development. Whether this manifests into quarterly company-wide meetings or department huddles, itโ€™s already built into everyoneโ€™s calendar, so they wonโ€™t have to scrounge for time.ย  ย 

Internal education

There are loads of evidence demonstrating thatย investment in training and education is smart business.ย Let your employees come to you with their requests for online classes, certification courses and conferences that set them up for success. Create parameters to support education initiatives for when employees inquire about furthering their skillsets. Companies also benefit from individuals who further their education when they bring back information that improves the team as a whole. When employees teach each other, it improves company-wide integration, and departments become more well rounded.

Focus on projects that have the most impact.

Itโ€™s easier to relegate time for little tasks and individual improvements. What about company-wide development and projects with large scopes of work that require a significant investment of time? These are the easiest of all to put on the back burner until resources free up (thatโ€™s code forย never going to happen).ย Intentionality is the name of the game. Be sure that when you invest resources, youโ€™re going to see a return on that investment

TJAโ€™s most recent internal investment was developing a new website that embodies the values and capabilities of our team. Our company has grown and evolved over its 15 years, and the website is an essential first impression for potential business, employees and those looking for industry insight. Investing in our web presence pays dividends through lead captures and by acting as a resource for those seeking out agency information.

Get yourself some shoes.

There are consequences for neglecting to take care of your own operations, namely, becoming outdated. Be sure to consider the long-term benefits of updates and continued education. Of course, some projects are important to invest in but may not be in your organizationโ€™s wheelhouse to execute. Free up time by connecting with TJA for guidance and expertise on marketing, website development and more.

Weโ€™ll make you some sweet kicks

How to treat your own organization like a client.

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