5 Connection Building Tips in Public Relations to Develop Stronger Media Relationships

As any PR pro will tell you, developing media relationships can be tricky. PR and journalism professionals both live very busy lives, often facing tight deadlines, thousands of emails a week and coordinating tricky schedules. Media connections are arguably the most important aspect of the job, as it is super important to develop a relationship […]

Your Top 5 Most Googled Questions About PR, Answered

Public relations is a multi-faceted field that can be hard to define. Whether you’re dipping your toes into a PR career or a prospective client wondering what the world of PR is all about, you’ve got questions—and what better place to find questions than Google? We’re answering Google’s top five most searched questions about PR […]

5 quick reads to warm your heart.

As a marketing agency with 17 years of proven experience, we believe in the power of gratitude. We think it’s one of the biggest players in our success—so much so, we start every week with a 15-minute “kudos session” and sprinkle gratitude daily in Slack. Gratitude has even been scientifically proven to better your health […]

How to boost your PR strategy with bylined articles.

How to boost your PR strategy with bylined articles.

Media consumption has seen a significant increase in 2020. With more people social distancing and staying home, digital news sites are experiencing spikes in readership. In May, Nielsen reported a 215% increase over last year in time spent on mobile to access current events and global news in the U.S. This increase in readership presents […]

Your brand’s digital presence is more important now than ever before

digital presence

“I want to be where the people are” I think everybody can relate to The Little Mermaid these days; we all want to be where the people are. Thankfully, conversations surrounding COVID-19 are finally turning toward recovery. However, even as the world reopens, the effects of the quarantine will be lasting and businesses need to […]

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