5 Ways TJAers Escape the Desert Heat

With the average temperature being well above 100 degrees starting at the end of May and lasting through early September, spending a lot of time outdoors is not something that happens too often in the Valley during this three and a half month span. Here are some ways we TJAers deal with the suffocating summer heat:

1. Weekend Trips to California

San Diego, Newport Beach, Santa Monica, Malibu…it doesn’t really matter where in California we escape to; as long as there’s a bar and a beach, we’re happy.

2. Staycations at the Pool

One of the great things about summers in Phoenix is the awesome deals offered by the resorts around the Valley. A little pool time…a little spa time…treating ourselves to a nice staycation is definitely a favorite for a lot of the TJA team.

3. Floating Down the Salt River

One very refreshing way we enjoy cooling off is to pack up our coolers and make our way to the Salt River. This four hour tubing adventure is perfect for couples or large groups. The Big Orange Bus even offers special rates for groups so that we don’t have to worry about who’s going to be the designated driver.

4. Traveling to Northern Arizona 

Whether we’re going camping in Prescott or hiking in Flagstaff, Northern Arizona makes for a beautiful escape. With temperatures peaking in the high-70s during the summer months, we can take in the beauty without having to worry about whether or not the soles of our tennis shoes are going to start melting.

5.  Just Embrace It

Sometimes we just have to accept our circumstances as they are and embrace the fact that Phoenix literally becomes an oven during the summer.  We enjoy our air conditioned homes while drinking a cold beer and binge watching Netflix. But let us tell you…we would much rather deal with three months of heat than months of shoveling snow and freezing temperatures.

The TJA Team

5 Ways TJAers Escape the Desert Heat
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