The Ongoing Rise of Video Content in 2024

As we journey through 2024, the captivating allure of video remains unmatched in the ever-evolving digital landscape, making video content marketing a driving force behind successful campaigns. In this exploration of video content’s overarching influence, discover why it’s more crucial than ever and witness how our incredible team leverages this medium to tell some remarkable […]

Heartfelt Impressions: Winning Your Influencer’s Heart

From close relationships with the media to influencer strategies that align directly with both side’s needs, leaving a lasting impression with influencers is a part of our skillset that we hold near and dear to our hearts. This Valentine’s Day, we’re teaching you the art of influencer relations and how to work with influencers to […]

Trends With Impact: 15 Dynamic Marketing Insights Already Reshaping 2024

Impactful marketing trends that are reshaping 2024

As we appreciate the trends already unfolding in 2024, it’s important not only to observe but also to innovate. Trends are like whispers of change in the marketing world, sneaking in through shifts in behavior, tech advancements and cultural buzz. They’re not fleeting moments; they unfold over time, providing us with the chance to mix […]

Navigating the Digital Landscape: Why Your Business Needs a Responsive Web Design

The James Agency Web Responsive Design Blog

The average house in the U.S. now has 20.2 connected devices. Whether it’s hunched over a laptop budgeting for the next vacay, scrolling through a dinner menu on a mobile device or spending way too much time deciding what to stream on the TV—everyone is connected, all the time, including you. You are reading this, […]

Google analytics audit

Google analytics audit

Last year we published the blog “So you installed Google Analytics. Now what?” This audit guide will reference some of the items covered in that blog, as well as some additional tips and tricks to make sure your Google Analytics account is set up to track your business’ success. Google Analytics is set up in […]

5 things you have to do before shooting a brand video to make it a success.

5 things you have to do before shooting a brand video to make it a success.

Everything that comes before “Lights, camera, action!” Creating a brand video is the ultimate creative project. Storytelling harmonizes with videography to become a money-making, movie-quality video the client gets to splash across their website, paid media and social media platforms. However, there’s more to creating a film than storyboarding and day-of shoots; myriad decisions that […]

So you installed Google Analytics. Now what?

Google Analytics

Five easy(-ish) things to do to get better, useable data from Google Analytics. It is not enough to simply put Google Analytics on your website and check that box saying you are tracking how users are interacting with the site. You have to think about why your site exists: are you a restaurant and want […]

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